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Franchise Business Plans

Business Plans Written for Franchise Businesses

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Business Plans Written for Franchise Businesses

Franchise business plans are business plans specifically written for startup teams looking to open a franchise. Every franchisor has specific requirements for who can buy and operate a franchise, and a franchise business plan is nearly always a requirement to make your case to the franchisor. 


Whether you're considering opening a franchise or have already chosen one and need to submit a business plan to the franchisor, you should write a professional business plan to understand the risks and potential returns of opening a franchise and to convince the franchisor that you'd be a good franchisee.


Franchise business plans have several objectives, including demonstrating the credibility of the company's leadership, the viability of the company's concept and its products or services, its market potential, and the likelihood of a positive return on investment (ROI).


At Pro Business Plan Writers, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities of franchising. Our expert team of business plan writers can help you develop a comprehensive and investor-friendly franchise business plan that showcases your strengths as a franchisee and highlights the potential for long-term success in the franchise industry.

Franchise Business Plans 

We write your plan showcasing what franchisors care about, presenting a plan that gives them all of the information they need to know that you will be a great fit as a franchisee. Let Pro Business Plan Writers help with your Franchise Business Plan.


Franchise Business Plan Outline

Although each Franchise Business Plan is different and crafted specifically to tell your story, franchise business plans typically average between 25-30 pages and usually include the following sections:

➤ Cover Page
➤ Confidentiality Clause (Optional)
➤ Table of Contents
➤ Executive Summary
➤ Overview
➤ Franchisee Team
➤ Location
➤ Financial Objectives
➤ Overview of the Opportunity
➤ Company Overview
➤ Products or Services
➤ Goals & Objectives
➤ Keys to Success
➤ Industry & Market Analysis
➤ Industry Analysis
➤ Market Analysis
➤ Target Market
➤ Competitor Analysis
➤ Operations & Management
➤ Ownership Team
➤ Location
➤ Management & Operations Strategy
➤ Personnel Forecasts
➤ Marketing Strategy
➤ Sales Strategy
➤ SWOT Analysis

 Goals, Milestones, & Risks

➤ Goals & Objectives

➤ Milestones to be Reached

➤ Risk Analysis

➤ Financial Information and Projections

➤ 5 Year Pro Forma Financial Projections, including:

➤ Financial Assumptions

➤ Profit & Loss Statement

➤ Cash Flow Statement

➤ Balance Sheet

➤ Franchise Startup Costs

➤ Break-even Analysis

➤ Sensitivity Analysis

➤ Investment

➤ Franchise Requirements

➤ Franchisee Investment

As you can see, franchise business plans are comprehensive plans written to showcase your experience and what you bring to the franchise. Franchise business plans go beyond the basics, showing franchisors that you are the right candidate to represent the franchisee.

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